Friday, May 11, 2012

Scriptures in Bed

I totally slept in this morning.  I NEVER do that...especially on a school day.  My alarm went off at 5:00 and I dragged myself upstairs to wake TCD for Seminary....and then I went back to sleep.  At 5:45, the Scout Master woke me up to ask where the keys to the jeep were.  I rummaged through my purse for an eternity, found them...and then I went back to sleep.  At 6:40, my second alarm went off to remind me to get up and make lunches, and start breakfast.  But I remembered there was cereal in the pantry and that Friday is a great day to BUY lunch at school, so I snoozed my alarm...and then I went back to sleep.  At 6:50, the alarm unsnoozed and I dragged myself upstairs (again) to get the other kids in motion for the day....and then I went back to sleep!  I didn't even hear the Scout Master and TCD come in the door at 7:05, and I don't know for sure that anyone ate breakfast this morning.  But at 7:15, I woke up with kids and scriptures sprinkled all over my bed and Mack reading Alma 18 out loud...

"And it came to pass that Ammon, being filled with the Spirit of God, therefore he perceived the thoughts of the King.  And he said unto him: is it because thou hast heard that I defended thy servants and thy flocks, and slew seven of their brethren with the sling and with the sword, and smote off the arms of others, in order to defend thy flocks and thy servants; behold, is it this that causeth thy marvelings?"  Alma 18:16

What a great way to wake up in the morning...surrounded by family and scriptures!  I love Ammon today, because he is an example of strength and humility.  I love my kids today, because even though there are 14 agonizing days left of school, they're still getting up, still doing homework, and still reading scriptures.  I love the Scout Master today, because he picks up the slack when I decide to take a break and because he improvised today and just had everyone pile in the bed!  And I love that bed today...

normally, I would NEVER let anyone see my bed unmade and a mess like this, but today this mess makes me happy.  I'm thinking about just letting it stay this way all day long...then maybe my family will all pile in it again after school.  

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