Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pre-Dance Parties

Every month, the youth ages 14+ in our Stake (that's the six wards in the surrounding Allen/McKinney area) get together for a dance.  My husband has the opportunity to work in the youth program, but primarily with the younger boys (ages 12 and 13.)   And I'm not in the youth program at all.  So our dance experience up to this point has been watching TCD's pre-dance preparation, and listening to her colorful review and rating of it afterward.

Until this weekend...

A few weeks ago, both of the other men in the YM Presidency were out of town, so the Scout Master filled in for them at their regular Sunday morning meetings.  At the time, there was a need for a "host home" for the pre-dance pizza party for all the kids, so my husband volunteered our house.  I think he was a little nervous to tell me about it, but I thought it was a great idea.

Yesterday, after Cub Scout Day Camp, after opening presents with Mack, and during his friends' all-day Lego Play-a-thon (also at our house...because we have the newest Legos), the rest of us prepared for a houseful of teenagers to arrive.

After spending most of the evening with these kids, I can't think of any place else I would rather have been.  They were polite, funny, helpful, enthusiastic.  It was like being in the presence of "emerging greatness."  We dropped them off at the dance and I floated home on the leftover energy in the van.  What an inspiring group of kids!  I'm so grateful that my girls have these kids surrounding and influencing them.  And I'm so glad the opportunity came up for us to be able to volunteer our home.  I hope we have more of those opportunities in the future.

And incidentally, on a scale of 1 to 10, TCD rated this dance a 50!