Today has been longer than I wanted it to be, not quite as memorable as I had hoped, and much more frustrating. I'm always caught off guard at how darkness can creep into places where there should only be light. The month has been filled with too much rushing and buying, and not enough being still and reflecting. I always try so hard to make everyone's dreams come true at Christmas and that's a pretty impossible goal. I want the presents to be perfect, the food to be delicious, and the decorations to be beautiful. I want to remember every single person and to be generous and thoughtful. I want it to be a day as good as they've all imagined it in their heads. I never want anyone to feel disappointed. And 24 hours before Christmas is always when the weight of all my lofty expectations starts to crush me. I've spent the day paring down the endless list, and tossing out the things that don't matter.
Fortunately, the four little believers in my house missed most of the melt down I had today. And as usual, they spent all of Christmas Eve excited and happy. They jumped up and down and ran to their rooms to put on their new jammies tonight...all footies this year, by request. Their excitement is contagious. And thankfully, because of them and because of an infinitely patient Scout Master, I'm going to bed tonight realizing that what's under the tree doesn't matter as much as the love those four put into all the little presents they bought for each other. And that the turkey may not get into the oven by 6:00am, but it's not as important as the fact that we have a kitchen overflowing with food and a warm home to live in. And that the hope that comes from the Savior's birth all those years ago is a far greater gift than anything I could ever buy or make for them.
I'm grateful that today is over and that we can always count on tomorrow. I hope the day finds all of you exactly where you want to be, surrounded by people you love, and filled with the joy of the season.
Merry Christmas!

Hoping you & the Scoutmaster & the little believers at you house have the Merriest of Christmases!