Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Faith Factor

 Wanna see what we did tonight at Mutual? 

We split the kids into three teams.  Using scriptures and the For the Strength of Youth manual, the teams had to answer Gospel Questions.  Whichever team answered the question correctly got 10 points, and the other two teams had to do a challenge...most of them were food related.  The team who won the challenge got 5 points.  The remaining team got 0 points.   I think the YW Pres got the idea from here, but I'm not sure...
 Dirt and Worms Challenge: With the help of your team, dig around in the "dirt" using only your mouth to find the green (gummy) worm and eat it.
 Baby Food Challenge: Eat the entire container of MIXED VEGGIES baby food...ew!

  Whipped Cream Challenge:  Isn't there always one of these?
Food Tasting Challenge:  Figure out what you're eating...all edible stuff (kiwi, plums, zucchini, garbanzo beans, cereal)

 Alphabet Soup Challenge:  Using only a spoon, find letters in the soup that spell out a gospel word at least 5 letters long.

 Spell Girl answering a question correctly for Team B.

Team A

 Team B (there were more of them, but the others escaped to get to the refreshments)

I love all of these girls so much.  They are amazing and happy and their energy is infectious.  I'm so glad to be able to spend a couple of hours with them every week.

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