Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Happy Surprises

"Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all."  Harriet Van Horne

I wouldn't say that I cook with "reckless abandon"..but I do totally LOVE it.  I mostly love it when the people who eat here love what I've cooked.  Tonight, we had an all time favorite...TACO SOUP...serious YUM!  Usually I let everyone decorate their soup with sour cream, cheese, olives, and chips.  But instead of just using plain, old store bought chips tonight...I MADE chips!  Yep...MADE them.  Did you know that you could MAKE chips!?   OK, so it's possible that I didn't start out with a plan to make chips, but when I realized that there were no chips in the pantry, I was able to change gears and improvise...YAY ME! 

I found some corn tortillas in the I cut them into skinny strips.

...then I fried them...

...and sprinkled a little Kosher salt on them...because you can't have chips without salt! 
(Salt is on the list of "Stuff I Love" too, but I'll save that for a later post.)
 And here's proof that they were actually yummy.  Isn't it amazing how little happy surprises can make the whole day great?! 

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