Did you see this today????
Amazing, huh?? Look how trendy I am. OK that's SO not the reason I'm doing this. But it's very cool to have a whole episode of Oprah dedicated to the very challenge that I decided to take on just last week! VERY COOL! Haunani Goes Vegan
I actually didn't get to watch it today because it was pre-empted by weather information. Normally I would be fine with that, because I like the weather. But come on! On the one day that I actually have the time and the inclination to watch Oprah, they move it to 2:45am!! I've TiVo'd it so that I can watch it tomorrow. Although with my husband stuck in McAllen, there's a strong possibility I may still be up at 2:45 and I can watch it semi-LIVE.
Anyone wanna take the challenge with me??? 21 Day Vegan Challenge
I am seriously thinking about taking the challenge!