Sunday, January 24, 2016

Gospel Doctrine

I've been mildly obsessive about this whole Fitbit thing and keeping track of my steps and stats and calories every day...and whatever else I can get this thing to track.  Because I'm obsessive about it, I usually try to remember to take it off on Sundays so it's not a distraction.  I must have forgotten today.

I've been planning this Gospel Doctrine lesson for two weeks and it was just on the Tree of Life.  It should have been pretty straightforward.  But I had such huge inspirations all week about things like "gathering seeds of every kind" (1 Ne 8:1) and "diligently seeking things" (1 Ne 10:19) and having our minds "swallowed up in other things" (1 Ne 15:27) that by Friday it had become far from straightforward.  I think it went fine, but I stressed out a lot about it today before church.  Like A LOT.  Apparently so much that my FitBit recorded 36 minutes of activity this afternoon between 12:00 - 2:30 based on my heart rate.  

Who knew teaching Gospel Doctrine could be considered an aerobic activity? :)

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