Monday, February 26, 2018

Holding Birds and Accepting Challenges

Well, I finished reading the Book of Mormon. 

I love the chance I've had to take on Moroni's challenge again:

4 Y cuando recibáis estas cosas, quisiera exhortaros a que preguntéis a Dios el Eterno Padre, en el nombre de Cristo, si no son verdaderas estas cosas; y si pedís con un corazón sincero, con verdadera intención, teniendo fe en Cristo, él os manifestará la verdad de ellas por el poder del Espíritu Santo;  
5 Y por el poder del Espíritu Santo podréis conocer la verdad de todas las cosas. 
Next go round of reading will be in Spanish!

Speaking of Spanish, here are some things that have been fun to explain to one of our sister training leaders who is from Venezuela:
-The meaning of the word "edgy"
-Scavenger Hunts
-What roadkill is

I'm sure there will be more to come. In return here are a few of the words that I've learned this week:
Merendar- to have an afternoon snack (I'll be using this a lot)
Ardilla- squirrel
Cazar- to hunt (not to be confused with casar, which is pronounced the same but means "to marry")

We were challenged to lead with an invitation to baptism this week in every contact, which I found wayyy intimidating at first. We can't even get our investigators to commit to baptism, how are we supposed to walk up to strangers and do it?? But, I know that if we take on the challenges we've been given, we will see results. We got 2 new investigators out of inviting everyone we saw to be baptized. Mauricio and Jennifer both said yes even though we had just met them! So that's super cool. This week has been a good one to see results. We aren't teaching a ton of people and our most recent progressing investigator literally disappeared this week, but on Sunday almost all of the less-actives we've been working with came to church! They told us that our visits with them really helped them remember that the Lord loves them and that church is the place they need to be on Sunday. We also got a call from the Vietnamese elders that a referral we had sent them had become a new investigator for them so that was awesome! Most of the time we send referrals and never hear about how it goes, and just hope that they actually contact and teach them, so it was really nice to hear from the elders and know that the short conversation we had with a man who didn't really speak much English, the seed we planted, was starting to sprout.  

I also supposedly drank cashew juice yesterday? But I didn't have an allergic reaction so it's highly likely that I misunderstood.
Thanks for the support as always!  Please enjoy this picture of me with a bird on my arm 😊 (on that same night I also held a bunny!)

Love, Hermana Thunell

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