Monday, November 28, 2016


Hallo liebe Familie und Freunde :) 

This week has been pretty crazy! Tuesday we had Zone Training in the beautiful city of Bern, and that was fun to be there! We are definitely getting prepared to work super hard during this Christmas season, and we put it to the test on Wednesday. We had a couple of great appointments, and then we hit the streets to go finding. We have been so busy since I've been in Switzerland that I haven't even really gotten to see much of the actual city of Solothurn, but holy cow! let me tell ya it's adorable!! So quaint and all Christmas-y and the people in Switzerland are just so nice! I've made so many new random friends on the streets just by saying hello. We end up talking for a long time, and I definitely feel like we are scattering our little seeds everywhere we go. 

Friday was a pretty crazy day. At 8:30am we got a phone call from President Kohler saying that Sister Jones is getting emergency transferred because of visa problems. So she's leaving on Wednesday, which was a huge shocker and doesn't give us a lot of time to finish stuff up here. We have only been together for 3 weeks! I've only been in Switzerland for 3 weeks! So it's gonna be a little crazy trying to take over this area, but my new companion is from Finland, so that's exciting! The rest of the day was crazy busy with appointments and lessons and meeting up with some potential investigators, and just running around like busy missionaries do.

Saturday we had Thanksgiving dinner with an American family! Best. Appointment. Ever.  It was the Elders' first Thanksgiving dinner (because one is from England and the other is from Denmark) and it was just super fun for all of us!  It made me less sad that I wasn't home with my family for Thanksgiving :)  

We have also been having some super awesome lessons with our  golden, perfect, amazing, investigator who has a baptismal date for Dec 10th.  So please keep her in your prayers!  We taught her the law of chastity and it was great, and then we went to a Christmas Bazar thing with her at her children's school.  

On Sunday we went to a member's house after church and it was so awesome.  We had some deep conversations about conversion to the gospel and how it really is just so personal for each one of us!  The members here in Solothurn are super awesome. It's such a great Ward!

Well, sorry I have no interesting or funny stories lately.  But just remember to keep Jesus Christ in your hearts and thoughts this Christmas season. And don't forget to go watch the Christmas #lighttheworld video on and share it with your friends! 

Love y'all. 

Sister Thunell

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