Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Oh man it's been such a long time since I've written anything here.  I was shocked today to see that the date of my last post was ONE MONTH ago!  December has been long and eventful and there's no way I could possibly recapture every single moment that I've missed blogging about.  

But...I decided this morning to just start where I am.  Which is really all we can ever do, right?  

Today is January 6th.  Things are noticeably different nearly everywhere since one month ago, from the weather to our family to the prospects for the upcoming year.  For a few days, I moped around about all those changes, and the loss, and the draining of all color from my home now that we've taken down the Christmas decorations.  But today, as the kids start a new semester of school, and as we start a new chapter of our lives, I heard that familiar voice in my head reminding me that changes aren't necessarily bad; they're just different.  And different is sometimes good.  Maybe even better.  

I'm excited to be back at home and back here on this little blog that has become such a huge blessing in my life.  I'm grateful for all of the changes that have come and will continue to come in 2015.  And I'm grateful especially for the things that have stayed the same...For the sun that rises everyday and looks the same in the bright blue sky whether it's 30 degrees or 110 degrees.  For an amazing family that is eternally bonded no matter how many miles separate us.  For friends that stay and listen.  For hope and joy as we watch Heavenly Father's hand in absolutely every detail of our lives.