Our team was a little late coming together before their first game, so the parents opted for matching royal blue t-shirts, socks, and hats with grey pants instead of ordering professionally made jerseys. One of the moms found some iron-on numbers for us and POOF! team uniforms came together.
McKay's first game was Saturday night at 8:00p and as usual, we had about 4 million other things scheduled for the day. I ran around with the girls to their various activities in the morning, ran home in between to trade out cars and kids, grab cameras, and hurry out the door for the next thing. By 3:00 that afternoon, I had found all the pieces of McKay's uniform and dragged the ironing board out to quickly iron his number on the back of his shirt before I had to run out the door to the next thing. I'm not an iron-on expert or anything, but I was pretty impressed with myself for centering the number and ironing the whole thing on without any problems. It was quick, easy, and for the first time in about 3 years, his whole uniform cost less than $20. (...hallelujah!)
I handed the shirt to McKay to make sure it looked as perfect on his little body as it did on the ironing board, and I noticed that something looked weird to me...
What do you think? Anything look funny to you?? Yep, what I thought was supposed to be a 2 was actually a 5. Eek! So much for my newly acquired iron-on skills. With three more things to do and less than 4 hours left before the game, there was no way to get a new shirt and a new number. McKay was mortified. But we consoled him by assuring him that if he could live with it for this game, we would figure something else out before the next one. He's a pretty easy going kid, so off he went with Craig to the ball field for pre-game practice, while I went to the church to be a photographer for an event. (more on that later...)
During some downtime at my event, I had this happy text conversation with Craig...
Instant confidence boost. In about five minutes I went from "ridiculously inept with an iron" to "clever." I'm good with clever. And McKay no longer wants me to get a new number or fix his shirt. He would like me to stop calling him "upside down #5" though. We'll just go with #2. Because underneath all that catcher's gear, you can't even really see what number is on his shirt.
And this is why I love you. 'Cause I would do something exactly like this. But I would look like a complete fail. Somehow when you did it, you still look like an awesome, cool, hip, mom!