I found these funny pictures the other day and they made me smile. We were living in the Scout Master's parents' basement and we had this amazing living area where the kids would play. Mack was barely able to sit up without falling over. We had to strategically place his legs at just the right angle so that they would balance his little tummy and keep him upright.
Mack was always totally entertained by his sisters and something Flowering Buttercup was doing was make him giggle heartily. I remember coming from around the corner to see what he was laughing at and giggling right along with him. I tried so hard to capture that uninhibited baby laugh, but every time I would hold up the camera, he would stop laughing and just stare at me. I
And every time I missed a shot, Flowering Buttercup would start to laugh hysterically, which would start Mack all over again. But I just kept missing it. It was a pretty frustrating, but funny afternoon. I wish I had written down what she was doing to make him laugh so hard. Seeing these pictures made me so grateful that I've been at home so much of their lives to capture the little fleeting, funny times like these. I love that Mack adores his sisters. I love that they can still make him laugh harder than anyone outside of our family. And now, the great thing is that he makes them laugh, too.
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