Today is one of those days. I think I've said many many times on this blog that I'm not great at preparing for trips. I don't love to venture very far out of my comfort zone. I'm not crazy about flying alone. And I really REALLY like my little routine.
But...I also really REALLY like my mom. She's going to be in Las Vegas for a long weekend, and so I'm flying out to meet her there. I can't get to Hawaii anytime soon and she isn't coming all the way to Texas on this trip, so...Vegas it is!
I made this trip a couple of years ago and my sister came with my mom. Super fun!
Before I can get on a plane, though, I have to make sure all my little ducks are in a row at home. Why is it so hard to leave all those "mom responsibilities" for someone else to do??
I have stocked the fridge, planned/made dinners for the next two days, written out a schedule, done laundry, vacuumed (why I thought I needed to do that, I'm not sure) and made dessert for the youth activity tonight. Oh, did I mention that I said yes when Savannah asked me last week if she could please have all the 16+ YM/YW and their leaders over to our house after a scavenger hunt that she's in charge of tonight? (again...not sure what I was thinking)
I'm sure I'll be excited once I get to Vegas and see my mom, but holy cow! it's agony trying to get everything done before I feel comfortable leaving. Phew...I'll let you know if I make it out the door. :)